ExpoMed Eurasia 2024

1 May 2024

Participance in ExpoMed Eurasia 2024 exhibition

Our company took part in the collective stand of the Russian Export Center (REC) at the international exhibition Expomed Eurasia 2024. At the exhibition, we presented the already proven Infiltra Vacuum tissue processor, as well as the prototype of the ProKrasin slide stainer, which is completing technical tests. With undisguised pride we can note the high level of interest shown by exhibition visitors to this equipment, as well as the high assessment of the quality of assembly and design of the devices.

We especially note the wide geography of visitors to this exhibition. It was possible to start initial negotiations on cooperation with business representatives from various countries in the Middle East such as Turkey, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Morocco, Egypt, etc. We sincerely hope that medical institutions in these countries will soon have the opportunity to appreciate the high level of reliability and automation of our equipment!

Expomed Nextelligence team1
Expomed Nextelligence team1

Expomed Nextelligence meeting1Expomed Nextelligence meeting2

ExpoMed Eurasia 2024